Doing the laundry is probably one of the most dreaded household chores. Unfortunately, it has to be done. Even if you have a washing machine at home, you may find yourself too lazy to do it. Luckily, there is one thing that can help: a laundromat.

Most of us have never had to go to a laundromat before. At first, the idea of it seems a bit confusing. However, the more you do it, the easier it gets. The best way to approach it is to use the laundromat wisely.

This article lists tips to help you when you go to a laundromat. Read on below to get started.

Bring the Essentials

You might think that you can wash your clothes without any essentials, but it's not true. You will need to bring the following:


You won’t be able to wash your clothes without the help of detergent. If you are renting a washer, detergent is usually included in the washing machine price. However, some places don’t offer it, so you need to bring your own. Make sure you read the instructions on the package carefully.

Fabric Softener

Not everyone likes the smell of fabric softener, but it's still important to bring it. If you have used a lot of detergent and dried your clothes on high heat, they will get stiff. This is why you should use it after you’re done.

Dryer Sheets

Your clothes will smell awful if you don’t use dryer sheets. They will also get stiff and crunchy. This is why you should bring a dryer and laundry sheets. No matter how busy your day is, you have to make time for this.


Some laundromats don’t provide clothespins, or they are too cheap to use. If you have your own, use them.

Clothing Basket

You will need to bring a clothes basket to carry all your clothes. This way, you avoid making a mess. You will also get to organize your clothes better.


Unless you can find a laundromat that accepts credit cards, it's best to bring some change. You will need to pay the price of each cycle if you are renting machines.

Keep Yourself Entertained

Staring at the laundry machines at laundromats can get pretty dull. For this reason, you should bring something to entertain yourself. You can bring some magazines, your cell phone, or other gadgets.

Choosing the Right Machine

Not all washing machines are the same. First, you need to choose the size of the machine you want. You also need to consider if you want a machine with multiple settings or one with a single function. Don't be shy to ask the attendant if you are having trouble.

It's also essential to choose a free machine, or you will have to wait a whole hour just to wash your clothes. You can ask the attendant or just randomly select a machine.

Other Tips to Take Note


Laundromats are convenient and easy. If you want to get away from all the dirty laundry in your home, you should never think twice about using them. The process is not as intimidating as you think. Just follow our tips, and you will be on your way to having clean clothes.

If you’re looking for a laundromat in Texas, look no further than Mule Team Laundromat! Our full-service dry cleaning services are for anyone, and you can even do self-service in our locations or simply drop them off and have us deliver them to you. Contact us today to learn more!

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