Clothes have always been more than a fashion statement or a basic necessity. Throughout history, you will see that people have used them to symbolize their status in life. It’s why many people take great care of their clothes. A well-maintained piece of clothing can last a person their entire lifetime, and they can even pass it down to their family members.

When Dry Cleaning 101: Fabrics You Shouldn’t Throw in the Washyou’re investing in an expensive piece of clothing, it’s essential to know how you should take care of it. Some clothes can’t handle the usual cleaning process using water and detergent because it can easily damage their material. Instead, you would need to hire professional dry cleaning services to maintain their cleanliness and quality.

If you’re unsure which of your clothes you should dry clean and which can handle the regular water and detergent type of cleaning, here’s a list of dry-clean-only materials:


Cashmere is one of the most expensive materials a piece of clothing can be created out of, but it’s also one of the most delicate. It can easily sustain damage if you’re not careful with how you clean it. 

Some clothing items that can consist of cashmere include jackets, gloves, or sweaters. They can also be woven into areas of your clothing like your outer coat, jacket lining, pajamas, and the like. Make sure to check your clothes in case any of them contain cashmere. If that’s the case, you’ll need to send them off for dry cleaning.

Embroidered Fabric

If you own any pieces of clothing that feature embroidered fabric, you shouldn’t throw them into your washing machine. The delicate nature of embroidery makes them prone to damage if you don’t handle them gently enough, especially if they consist of beads or sequins. 

Hand-sewn patchworks also need that kind of extra care. Some examples of embroidered clothing include sweaters, formal wear, and blouses.


Linen is a common material found in suits, shirts, and scarves. You can also see them in bags, tablecloths, or towels. If any of your belongings comprise linen, it’s best to have them dry cleaned. 

The flax fiber in the material makes them complicated to deal with, especially if you want to maintain its crisp finishing. If you can’t have it dry cleaned, you can also wash it in cold water.


Another material you should take note of is rayon. It’s a soft and comfortable fabric made of purified cellulose fiber, and it’s great for shirts, dresses, and other similar clothing. 

Like wool, rayon is prone to shrinking if you wash it with warm water. Instead of using warm water or other traditional cleaning methods, you can have them dry cleaned instead.


Clothes made from silk are prone to bleeding if you don’t wash them the way they’re supposed to be cleaned. This material is incredibly delicate and soft, and they consist of natural fibers. 

A soft hand is necessary when washing clothes with silk, and you can only use a gentle detergent and cold water. If you don’t want to hand wash your silk clothes, you can also hire dry cleaning services.


Wool is a common material for jackets and other winter-appropriate clothing, like sweaters and pants. It’s a durable material that can survive multiple generations if you’re careful with it. 

Without proper care, wool clothing can easily shrink. To avoid this, you should only have it dry cleaned.


Clothes are one of the best ways to express yourself. Throughout history, people have used them to signify their social status and set trends. They are also great heirlooms to pass down from one generation to the next. If you have clothing composed of any of the materials mentioned above, it’s best to care for them properly and hire professional dry cleaning services.

Mule Team Laundromat provides the fastest laundry service in Muleshoe, Texas, and its surrounding cities. Get in touch with us today for more information!

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